I received an email this morning from the Institute for Pigmentary Disorders in Greifwalds, the clinic run by Prof Karin Schallreuter to say that they are closing for good from January 1 2021:
The PC-KUS combined with Jordan climatotherapy helped me tremendously in repigmenting some of my vitiligo a few years ago. I’m sure the programme has helped countless others and so it’s sad to see it’s closing down and treatment will no longer be offered.
From the letter, it looks as if the PC-KUS cream can still be ordered from Prof. Schallreuter although it’s unclear if you need to be an existing patient in order to purchase.
Update – November 2020
The Institute for Pigmentary Disorders sent out a follow up email containing answers to some frequently asked questions, including ordering PC-KUS cream and Anti-OX capsules:
Alternative way to treat your skin at the Dead Sea
Those who are familiar with my blog will know that I’ve visited the Dead Sea for climatotherapy treatment a second time without going with the Institute for Pigmentary Disorder’s group and not using PC-KUS. And still received some success in repigmenting my skin.
The Dead Sea Spa hotel has it’s own Medical Center, and there other groups that attend for different skin treatements including vitiligo.
Freimuth Reisen GmbH is a travel agent based out of Germany that are dedicated to providing travel/accommodation for treating skin conditions. I used them for my trip back to Jordan in 2016 and had a good experience.
I enquried about returning to Jordan in 2021 and received the following repsonse:
Dear Simon,
thank you for your enquiry. Yes, we still operating as travel-agent for skin treatments in Jordan. At the moment, we don’t have any prices for 2021. We usually do the calculation for the tours at the end of the year (latest in Jan. 2021). You can look contact us after mid-Jan. regarding your booking. We shall then book for you accordingly.
Meanwhile stay healthy and all the best to you.
Best regards
Freimuth Reisen GmbH
If you are interested to know more, please contact – info@freimuth-reisen.de
Disclaimer – I have NO paid affiliation with Freimuth Reisen GmbH and just offering as a potential option for those looking to go to the Dead Sea to treat vitiligo with climatotherapy. Feel free to mention the reference ‘simonsvitiligoblog’ so they know that you came from my blog, but please do your own due diligence when working with a travel agent.
Hello Simon
I would like to ask if you still do the creams of professeur Shalrreuter
Hi Susan,
Sorry – I don’t and have never provided the PC-KUS creams from Professor Schallreuter.
Bonjour Simon, j’aimerai savoir comment se procurer la crème du professeur Sharreuter . Est elle réellement efficace? Peut on s’en procurer en pharmacie ou sur internet ?
Bonjour Mairym,
J’utilise Google Traduction pour vous répondre.
Il existe des opinions divergentes sur l’efficacité de la crème en fonction de la personne que vous demandez dans le domaine médical.
Pubmed a des recherches qui véhiculent des opinions des deux côtés.
Voici 2 exemples:
1. La pseudocatalase est efficace – https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23629861
2. Pseudocatalse inefficace – https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19523170
Je vous suggère de faire vos propres recherches pour vous faire votre propre opinion.
Je suggérerais de commander directement auprès du professeur Schallreuter. J’ai entendu d’autres endroits qui ont procédé à une ingénierie inverse et qui vendent en ligne, mais je ne sais pas de qui il s’agit parce que je n’utilise pas la crème.
Espérons que cette réponse aide.
HI Simon,
is there a way to get treatment now that Prof. Schallreuter’s clinic’s has been closed?
Thank you.