Dead Sea: Post consultation with Dr Karin Schallreuter - Simon's Vitiligo Blog
Apologies for the huge delay in getting this post up, it’s been hectic since I got back from Germany and apparently, I brought the flu back with me! Not only that, but the last few months have been very difficult and mentally, the Vitiligo is affecting me more than ever. It could be because I’m much more aware of the condition seeing as I’m actively searching to improve it but I it just seems to be playing on my mind a bit more. This is going to be a long one! OK, so the morning after the mental day of travelling mentioned in my previous post, I arrived at the Institute for Pigmentary Disorders which I believe is part of the University of Greifswald. At reception(on the first floor), I was directed to the waiting room where I met 4 other Vitiligo sufferers also waiting for consultation. Initially, Dr Schallreuter came in and spoke to us all together. She went through a detailed medical diagnosis of Vitiligo and gave the science behind her own developed Pseudocatalse cream. My(uneducated) understanding of the Pseudocatalse cream is to counter the high oxidative stress that is common in the skin of almost all Vitiligo sufferers. People that […]