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Blog, Dead Sea, Vitiligo, Vlogs

Simon’s Vitiligo Vlog 03: Vitiligo and the Dead Sea

In this Vlog, I talk about Climatotherapy, the health properties of the Dead Sea and the surrounding area, and why it’s relevant for those looking for a treatment for Vitiligo!

Simon’s Vitiligo Vlog 03: Vitiligo and the Dead Sea


Treating Vitiligo with Climatotherapy at the Dead Sea:

PC-KUS with Climatotherapy at the Dead Sea:

Research on Gingko Biloba:

Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional. I am purely a patient that suffers from Vitiligo giving my story and sharing treatments that have worked for me. Everybody should do their own due diligence in treating Vitiligo and speak to qualified professionals. I am not responsible for anyone that chooses to undertake the Dead Sea treatment and its results.

Blog, Dead Sea, Vitiligo, Vlogs

Simon’s Vitiligo Vlog 02: Vitiligo Friends

Second Vlog is up!

In this Vlog, I introduce you to Kim. Kim is one of my very good friends and housemate,  and someone that I would have never of met if I didn’t have Vitiligo!

Sorry the video is a little bit long, I am attempting to keep the Vlogs at sub-15 mins but some may creep over slightly.

Plenty more videos to come, including some of the actual treatment process and an explanation of why the Dead Sea is such an amazing place for people with certain skin conditions.

Special thanks to three ladies introducing the Vlog. Three school teachers working in Abu Dhabi just passing through on their way to Petra, and the first Brits I’ve met at Dead Sea Spa Hotel in over a week!

Simon’s Vitiligo Vlog 02: Vitiligo Friends

Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional. I am purely a patient that suffers from Vitiligo giving my story and sharing treatments that have worked for me. Everybody should do their own due diligence in treating Vitiligo and speak to qualified professionals. I am not responsible for anyone that chooses to undertake the Dead Sea treatment and its results.

Blog, Dead Sea, Vitiligo, Vlogs

‘Simon’s Vitiligo Vlog 01: Back to Jordan’ is now on Youtube!

I’m really pleased and proud to announce that my first Vlog is now published on YouTube. This is something I’ve been planning to do for months, and after many edits and restarts, and some help from my friends, the first one is finally live!

As I mention in the video, this is my first time trying anything like this, ever! I’m hoping to get better over time,  be as informative as possible but also make the videos somewhat enjoyable to watch.

Hopefully, this series of videos will provide insight for those looking to travel to Jordan to treat their Vitiligo at the Dead Sea.

Please let me know if there is anything you would like me to specifically cover in my upcoming videos.

Simon’s Vitiligo Vlog 01: Back to Jordan

Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional. I am purely a patient that suffers from Vitiligo giving my story and sharing treatments that have worked for me. Everybody should do their own due diligence in treating Vitiligo and speak to qualified professionals. I am not responsible for anyone that chooses to undertake the Dead Sea treatment and its results.